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Female Urination Devices

CIRCE CARE Pee Cloth: Silver Infused Pee rag for Women who Pee Outdoors, Reusable Absorbent Wipes, Eco-Friendly alt. to To…

CIRCE CARE Pee Cloth: Silver Infused Pee rag for Women who Pee Outdoors, Reusable Absorbent Wipes, Eco-Friendly alt. to To...

Price: $21.99

About this item
☘ENJOY ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY OUTDOOR ADVENTURES: Say goodbye to the discomfort of wetness and odors that come from air-drying after urinating outdoors! Our eco-friendly pee cloth is compact, discreet, and conveniently portable. Eliminate the need for carrying and discarding toilet paper or wet wipes during your camping or hiking trips. Embrace the principle of leaving no trace. Remember, even “biodegradable wipes” take many years to decompose and release harmful microplastics.

☘A PRACTICAL CHOICE IN THE CURRENT TIMES: Steer clear of shared toilet paper in public restrooms. These paper towel substitutes are perfect for road trips, flights, or simply staying at home. Our soft, reusable pee cloths are washable, scent-free, and durable. They help save money and the environment by reducing the use of toilet paper. A more sustainable choice than “flushable wipes” which can lead to drainage issues.

☘QUALITY FABRIC FROM THE USA: Our fabric, produced under controlled conditions in U.S. textile mills, is free of harsh chemicals. It is infused with silver ions that inhibit the growth of micro-organisms, control odor, prevent decay and discoloration, and ensure lasting freshness. It’s able to absorb 10 times its weight in under 2 seconds and soaks up liquid 20 times faster than other materials like bamboo, cotton, hemp knits or microfiber.

☘USAGE GUIDE: Use the black, absorbent side of the cloth to wipe after urinating. The waterproof, colored side and the elastic hand grip keep your hands dry and clean. Fold and snap for added privacy and hygiene. Attach it to your hiking bag or backpack for on-the-go drying. The elastic hand grip is particularly useful for individuals with arthritis or weakened hand grip. The cloth can be used alongside female urination devices, disposable urine bags, portable urinals, pee