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Female Urination Devices

GoGirl Female Urination Device (FUD) – #1 FUD Made in The USA. Pee Standing Up! Portable Female Urinal for Women, Soft, Fl…

GoGirl Female Urination Device (FUD) - #1 FUD Made in The USA. Pee Standing Up! Portable Female Urinal for Women, Soft, Fl...

Price: $35.91

Straightforward and practical, GoGirl is a sophisticated female urination device, often known as a FUD. Essentially, it’s a funnel-shaped device made from premium silicone, designed to enable women to urinate while standing. This reusable item is travel-friendly, providing a convenient solution for outdoor activities or public restrooms. Instead of resorting to uncomfortable squatting, precarious hovering or painfully holding it in, you can now stand upright and relieve yourself with ease. GoGirl is a neat, discreet product designed to revolutionize the way women ‘go’.